Stepping up to: Hospitality

Stepping up to Hospitality, with our Hospitality Director—Karen Sevenoff

How was your holiday weekend? We hope you are feeling rested, healthy, and refreshed! Last week, we introduced you to Week 1 of our Stepping up Together campaign—featuring a special message from the Chair of our Board, Chuck Joseph. Today, we are diving a bit deeper and exploring the theme of hospitality.

To us, stepping up together is all about embracing the power of community and stepping boldly into our highest potential. By joining hands, and stepping up together, we have the ability to create a brighter, more resilient world. All it takes is one small step, and as Howard Zinn so wisely stated—"Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world."

Each week of this campaign will feature a theme for reflection, helping us consider how we may step up and be the change we wish to see in the world. Today's theme is hospitality.

What does hospitality mean to you in your daily life? To us, hospitality is the way show up for others and our willingness to honor the light within every person who crosses our paths. We call it Big Hospitality. From the way we greet our guests, offer programs, daily online meditations, and festivals, to how we support activism in our communities and the world, we rest on Maya Angelou's quote that "People will forget what you do, they'll forget what you said. But they never will forget how you make them feel."  This week, we invite you to reflect on the following:

What does hospitality mean within the context of my daily life?

Can I approach hospitality from a mindset of interconnectedness, knowing that everything I offer to the world, I offer to myself as well?

What would it mean to transform my life into an act of service?

What would it mean to show up in the world with a mindset of giving versus receiving? 

Hospitality is a selfish pleasure, “It feels great to make other people feel good"

Source: Unreasonable Hospitality: The Remarkable Power of Giving People More Than They Expect. Will Guidara

Join us in striving to embody this enlarged sense of hospitality in every part of our lives, pursuing reinvention, and nurturing partnerships—all infused by a constant awareness of what people need. Your donation is one way to offer a mindful gesture of loving kindness to support our work. We'd be honored if you'd consider supporting our hospitality department with the following:

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