Facilitator Resources
If you have questions or need to update any of your information, please contact:
Anne Marie Pfeiffer, Assistant Director of Programs, at programs@copperbeechinstitute.org
Jenn Frontiero, Director of Programs, at jennifer@copperbeechinstitute.org
or call 860.760.9750
Please Note: This is an ever-evolving webpage so do check in periodically for updates.
table of contents
Daily practice MeditationS - Updated 9/11/24
Facilitator Zoom Login Information
Whatsapp Group Link
General Schedule
Temporary Schedule
Facilitator Contact Information
Morning & Afternoon Meditation Step-by-Step Instructions
Steps to Finding Coverage
BIPOC MeditationS - Updated 9/11/24
Facilitator Zoom Information
Facilitator Contact Information
Monthly Meditation Step-by-Step Instructions
Basic Zoom How-Tos
Disable/Enable Waiting Room
Muting/Unmuting a Specific Participant
How to enable Virtual Background for Zoom Rooms
How to Enable and Configure Original Sound for Musicians
Daily practice meditations
Up-to-date Daily Practice schedules can be found on our website: https://www.copperbeechinstitute.org/meditation-groups
Tuesday and Thursday 7:30 AM and 12:30 PM sessions are not currently being covered. We will continue to provide updates.
​WhatsApp Group Link
Facilitator Zoom Login Information
User: info@copperbeechinstitute.org
Password: CBIadmin18
General Schedule
Temporary Schedule
Facilitator Contact Information
Morning & Afternoon MeditationS
​Morning Meditation: Silent, unguided practice
Monday - Friday at 7:30-8:00 AM ET Time (US)
*Note: At this time, there are no practices offered on Tuesday or Thursday mornings.
​Afternoon Meditation: guided practice
Tuesday - Friday at 12:30-1:00 PM ET Time (US)
*Note: At this time, there are no practices offered on Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday afternoons.
​Step-by-Step Instructions
1. Sign into Zoom a few minutes prior to your session:
User: info@copperbeechinstitute.org
Password: CBIadmin18
2. Under Upcoming Meetings, scroll to the last recurring meeting which is labeled Live Online Meditation.
3. Hover over Live Online Meditation and click Start.
*Please Note: If Zoom automatically logs you out while you are signed in, simply log back in.
4. Enable close captions - On the bottom toolbar in Zoom, click Show Captions.
5. “Rename” your name to say Name - Facilitator
6. Welcome participants and introduce yourself.
7. Begin practice.
​Morning Meditation - The meditation is silent. We welcome and encourage you to share a very brief reading, poem, quote, excerpt, or other offering at the beginning and/or at the end. However, please make sure your shares are under 5 minutes so folks still have
20 minutes of silent practice.
Afternoon Meditation - This is a guided meditation, offering loving-kindness in the last 5 minutes.
8. Nearing the end, invite participants to share wishes for loving-kindness in the chat-box.
9. Stay after a few minutes, if you can, to be with folks who need a listening ear or have questions.
Steps to Finding Coverage
Facilitators are asked to seek coverage for their sessions, and with as much advanced notice as possible. If you are intending on ending your volunteer term, please provide us with as much advanced notice as possible (or at least 2 weeks' notice), so we have time to find coverage and communicate it to the community.
Ask your Support Buddy.
Ask other potential subs listed on the schedule under your session.
Reach out to the WhatsApp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/K6ZWdXzEkRH2hYzGkzS6D7
Reach out to Anne Marie for support:
Email: programs@copperbeechinstitute.org
Whatsapp: 860.338.0147
Monthly BIPOC Meditations
Please click here to Learn More
Facilitator Zoom Logins
User: grants@copperbeechinstitute.org
Password: CBIadmin18​
Facilitator Contact Information
Step-by-Step Instructions
To begin your meditation session, you will log in to one of our CBI Zoom accounts using the following details:
User: connect@copperbeechinstitute.org
Password: CBIZoom02
Under Upcoming Meetings, go to the recurring meeting which is labeled BIPOC Meditation Group (It is located at the bottom of the first page).
Hover over BIPOC Meditation Group and click Start.
Note: If Zoom automatically logs you out while you are signed in, simply log back in.
​ -
Enable close captions - On the bottom toolbar in Zoom, click Show Captions.
“Rename” your name to say Name - Facilitator
Welcome participants and introduce yourself.
[Opening Script Here (Only if applicable)]
Begin the practice which is part guided and part silent meditation.
[Closing Script Here (Only if applicable)]
Stay after a few minutes, if you can, to be with folks who need a listening ear or have questions.
Basic Zoom How-Tos
Click Here to Access Further Information About How to Use Zoom and Its Various Features
Disable/Enable Waiting Room
On the bottom toolbar, click Security.
On the Security toolbar, Enable Waiting Room should be listed.
If you want to enable the waiting room, click Enable Waiting Room and there should be a check next to it.
If you want disable the waiting room, click Enable Waiting Room so it removes the check and deactivates this feature. An automatic message should appear that says, "You have disabled the Waiting Room" in the middle of your screen.
For further information, please visit this link.
Muting/Unmuting a Specific Participant
Click Participants located in the meeting controls.
Hover over a participant and click one of these options:
Ask to Unmute: Display a prompt for the participant that asks them to unmute. The participant can click Unmute in the prompt to unmute.​
Unmute: Instantly unmute the participant without display a prompt. Note: This option is only available if you enable pre-approved consent to be unmuted and the participant provided consent.
Mute: Mute the participant.
For further information, please visit this link.
How to enable Virtual Background for Zoom Rooms
1. In the navigation menu, click Room Management, then Zoom Rooms.
2. Click Account Settings.
3. Click the Account Profile tab.
4. Under Setup, click the Virtual Background with Greenscreen toggle to enable it.
5. If a verification dialog displays, click Enable or Disable to verify the change.
6. (Optional) To prevent all users in your account from changing this setting, click the lock icon , and then click Lock to confirm the setting.
7. Click Upload Background to add more background choices to the default library.
8. An Add Content pop-up window will appear.
9. Click Choose Files to choose files to upload from your computer.​
You can also drag and drop images or videos in the pop-up window. Click Add items.
For further information, please visit this link.
How to Enable and Configure Original Sound for Musicians
Click Settings.
Click the Audio tab.
Under the Audio Profile section, select Original sound for musicians.
Additional audio options are displayed below.
Select the audio options you wish to use:
High-fidelity music mode: This disables echo cancellation & post-processing, while raising audio codec quality to 48Khz, 96Kbps mono/192kbps stereo. Professional audio interface, microphone, and headphones required.
Echo cancellation: Prevents the creation of echoes between mic and speakers. Disable only recommended when using headphones to isolate audio or when playing instruments.
Stereo audio: Encodes mic audio in stereo. Requires a stereo-capable microphone or audio interface.
Once enabled in Settings, this can be toggled on and off during live meetings as needed.