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R&B: Reflecting on the Year - A Letter from Our Executive Director, Danae Laura ✨

Dear Copper Beech Community,

October marked the culmination of my first year at CBI. Before we reflect together, I'd like to start by acknowledging the impact of this week's election results for those in the United States, and those beyond our borders who are aware of the ways our country's decisions impact your homes. We at CBI wish you a safe harbor as always, and we will continue to pour ourselves into the work. Our practice is ongoing, our view is long, and our community of shared intention is continuing to find its way, together.

May we be reminded of who we are—We are a global community of educators, creatives, change-makers, helpers, and healers dedicated to the mending and repair of societal harms. From Weekly Meditation Practices for all to our BIPOC Affinity Group, as well as immersive Retreats, in-school Youth Sessions, Workplace Self-Care Toolkits, and Facilitator Certifications — it is our goal to empower communities through leaders of all ages, equipping them with the life-affirming tool of mindfulness. Through practice, study, and reconnecting each other with the things that matter most, we hearten ourselves and commit to the well-being of future generations.

Our next immersive retreat is in just a few weeks, which I am leading, and if you are seeking a physical safe harbor and time in person with the community, we welcome you to join us by the ocean at Mercy by the Sea in Madison, CT. We still have a few spots available and are reviewing scholarship applications. This retreat will give time for learning and honing mindfulness practice, as well as reflection on key topics that shape the reality we experience in daily life.

May we celebrate all we've done to spread mindfulness while increasing access to its benefits.

Over the course of the year:

🧡 We partnered with both the City of Hartford and United Way

With the City of Hartford we explored what it means to make a "Mindful City" via community events staged throughout the City, certificate trainees now poised to facilitate on the spot, and nearly 100 City employees trained to approach work through a mindfulness lens of practice and culture.With United Way, we trained nearly 700 youth and over 500 adults in schools and programs in Waterbury. The results were outstanding! To improve access to Social Emotional Learning for youth, we trained the youth-adjacent adults in their lives —such as teachers, parents, and administrators— so their familiarity with mindfulness could reinforce the positive results from youth trainings.

🧡 We announced our rebrand and new website to align our brand and community as a space to find high-quality, DEI-informed mindfulness programming where all belong as soon as they visit the site. This rebrand included a wide range of updates and announcements that can be explored in our Seeds of Change blog.

🧡 We accepted the CVS Hometown Fund Grant and welcomed the opportunity to engage with trust-based philanthropy as they invest in our overall mission.

🧡 We committed to another three years of collaboration with United Way, and this time will be focusing on district-wide training of ~1,500 teachers in Waterbury, CT.

🧡 We continued to cultivate our affinity spaces via our BIPOC retreats, summer circle, and monthly meditation series.

🧡 We co-designed countless workshops, courses, and retreats with longstanding CBI facilitators who graciously fluxed with the organizations evolving needs.

🧡 We developed outstanding custom retreats, be they HR-supported team time to build culture and address conflict, or the hosting of representatives from Hartford University's LEAD program in a weekend women's empowerment intensive.

🧡 We presented curated mindfulness content to institutions and networks such as the Connecticut Association for Community Action (CAFCA), where we introduced mindfulness to 100 direct care providers.

🧡 We relaunched our Mindfulness Facilitator Certification (MFC) with an updated curriculum and module design, and graduated CBI's third cohort!

🧡 We introduced the Seeds of Change Fundraiser Series to support our mission, allowing facilitators to take on the role of donor and contribute their talents as a means to raise much needed funds for Copper Beech. The fundraisers explored many types of contemplative practice such as sound healing, movement, art, creative writing, self-compassion, gratitude practice, women's empowerment, and present contentment. 

🧡 And all the while, we kept our daily practice (donation-based) online meditation sessions running with the help of volunteer facilitators and a flexible schedule.

Last year in February I had the opportunity to practice with many of you during the opening and closing of our 14 Days of Love. I look forward to being with you again this year for what will be a more concise practice, yet still a welcome time to gather and continue to build tradition.

There's a bit more to share, new faces and phases, but for now, may you find your safe harbor today or this weekend as your life allows. We are all feeling the wind.


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