Grow your Roots

How do you nourish your roots? As we begin to anticipate springtime, we may become excited to begin flourishing ourselves. Spring is a time of thawing, growth, flowering, opening, and new activity. Of course, here in New England, it’s not quite spring in early March, and this new flourishing might not be quite in season yet. In nature, it may be too early for the new tender leaves to emerge safely without threat of frost. Many plants at this vulnerable time invest not in their leaves, but in their roots. A well-developed root system will support flourishing and new activity in the future. This pre-spring moment when it’s too early to grow new leaves is a wonderful moment to grow roots. What a powerful spiritual lesson! How can we grow our roots? By deepening or lengthening our spiritual practice, attending a retreat, caring for ourselves, experimenting with new practices, beginning a journal, setting intentions, reconnecting with your vision and purpose, or creating new rituals. This rootedness will serve us when it’s time for spring flourishing, summer’s play, and autumn’s harvest. Weekend Wisdom is a weekly sharing from Copper Beech Institute’s founder, Dr. Brandon Nappi.