3 Principles of Coaching With Spirit

At the heart of Coaching with Spirit (CWS) are three principles.

These three principles inform everything we do:

  1. We are divine. 

  2. We are human. 

  3. To be fully human is to be fully divine. 

The first principle is We are divine. The divine lives in every human being. It is our true nature. It is our core: undamaged, fully developed, and more available than many spiritual traditions realize. No matter how broken parts of us might feel; no matter how dysfunctional our behavior; our essence is whole, wise, loving, and good. In the CWS model, we call this divine essence Self. You are Self, and this program will help you access Self, so that you can help others access Self. 

The second principle is We are human. We live east of Eden—outside of paradise. We are all wounded, though we are not our wounds. Because we have unhealed wounds, we are liable to unskillful behavior. We all need help in healing our wounds and recovering from unskillful behavior. CWS creates a safe and compassionate space where that healing can occur. As you heal yourself, you will learn how to help others heal. 

The third principle is To be fully human is to be fully divine. Embracing our full humanity—all our vulnerability and all our compensatory behaviors—is the way to healing and to divinity. Embracing our shadow helps us embrace the light. The mistake many of us make is thinking we can run from the shadow toward the light. In the long term, this does not work, ever. Stop. Turn around. Embrace the shadow, and you will be filled with light. You will experience your true nature, your divine essence, which we call Self. 

Given these three principles, the goal of all coaching is simple: to help clients access and live from Self. To do that, we must access and coach from Self. And to do that, you need a safe and compassionate community to support your healing and awakening. Healing and awakening are relational. To be fully realized, we need to come into relationship with ourselves, with others, with the world, and with Spirit. 

If this resonates with you, you can learn more about and register for our upcoming Coaching With Spirit training at copperbeechinstitute.org/coaching-with-spirit.