

We believe in the power of mindfulness practice and compassionate action to transform our hearts and the world. This is a time to re-ground ourselves in the deepest values we cherish about the infinite worth of all people and the interconnection of all beings. We have a unique opportunity to use the energy of mindfulness to direct our anger in wise and skillful ways in these soul-stretching moments. May we find the courage to listen deeply, to discern wisely, and act boldly in these soul-stretching times.  

Police brutality and other forms of violence against the black community have caused irreparable harm and loss, including most recently the horrific murders of George Floyd, Breonna Tayler, and Ahmud Arbery, among others. While this has been the case since the founding of the United States (which was built on the genocide of indigenous people and the slave labor of African and Caribbean peoples), it is abundantly clear that systemic racism touches every facet of American society.  

Mindfulness practice and social justice are inextricably linked. They both require truth-telling, awareness, compassionate action, and the wish for and work for transformation. Copper Beech Institute is a community that believes mindfulness practice can heal our aching world. In order to do this, though, we cannot be silent or inactive. 

-We commit to supporting and advocating for victims of systemic racism deeply ingrained in the culture of the United States. We have already begun this work and will continue to deepen the ways we blend our practice of mindfulness with social justice activism. Some of the ways we will do this are as follows: We will continue to provide healing tools to anyone feeling the effects of systemic oppression, including healing gatherings for communities of black, indigenous, and people of color communities. 
-We will continue to work towards eradicating systemic racism within our own organization. Our staff and facilitators (and soon our Board members) have participated in an in-depth anti-racist training with The National Conference on Community and Justice and we commit to going through more such training. 
-In the near future, we will be offering opportunities for community members to simultaneously practice mindfulness and social justice. Our aim is to encourage all to become active in changing attitudes in an effort to end racism and other forms of oppression, so we will create spaces that allow us to learn and take action on issues of race and other injustices from a place of centeredness. Once the structure of such offerings becomes more concrete, we will share the relevant information.

We do not expect communities of color to educate others on racism. And, while we all have the power to break down systems of oppression, white people, in particular, have a responsibility to acknowledge their white privilege and to dismantle white supremacy. That said, whenever possible, Copper Beech’s anti-racist efforts will be done in consultation with community members of color who willingly consent to provide us with such support. We commit to doing this so that we remain accountable to those most affected by racist systems.  

Mindfulness practice without social justice action is incomplete. A liberative mindfulness practice requires action beyond the meditation cushion. We can all do a better job of recognizing that we practice for the liberation of all beings.  

We are deeply thankful to all those who have been courageously working for justice in our communities. They have inspired us to understand both the urgency of this moment and the willingness to commit to the work of social justice over the long term. May we find new bravery and humility to support us all in the journey ahead. 

With love, compassion and hope,  

The Copper Beech Community 

Please consider donating to: 

National Conference for Community and Justice 

One Village Healing  

Black Lives Matter – New Haven  

Minnesota Freedom Fund 

George Floyd Freedom Fund 

Below are resources Copper Beech staff is exploring. We welcome any suggestions for resources to deepen our healing work. 

Anti-Racism Resources 

What White People Can Do for Racial Justice 

Showing Up For Racial Justice 


Racial Equity Tools 

Jane Elliot

For more information about our commitment to social justice, visit our previous statement on the matter here